Published On : July 18, 2024

Early intervention therapy is a critical step in supporting children with developmental delays. However, success isn’t just down to what occurs in the home or therapy sessions. Schooling is critical too.

Published On : July 18, 2024

Early childhood intervention services play a crucial role in supporting children's development and helping them reach their full potential. As a parent, your active participation and engagement can significantly enhance the effectiveness of these services.

Published On : May 31, 2024

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is not just a methodology, but instead a way of thinking about childhood development that emphasises the importance of understanding the individual needs and behaviours of each child.

Published On : May 28, 2024

Developmental milestones represent the “checkpoints” for a child that typically mark the acquisition of new abilities. They are the building blocks of growth, learning, and development, encompassing a wide range of skills

Published On : April 26, 2024

As a parent of a child with autism, ADHD, or developmental delay, the transition from early intervention to the first year of school is a significant milestone that can evoke a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Published On : January 25, 2024

As a parent of a child with autism, ADHD, or developmental delay, the transition from early intervention to the first year of school is a significant milestone that can evoke a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Published On : January 25, 2024

In this article, we'll explore the significance of allied health collaboration and offer insights into how three crucial disciplines (Behaviour Analysis, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy) can work together to support your child's growth and development.

Published On : November 28, 2023

The Key Worker model is instrumental in delivering effective support and services, particularly within the realm of behaviour analytic therapy for individuals grappling with autism and other disabilities.

Published On : November 28, 2023

Parenting children with disabilities, including autism, presents unique challenges that can be both emotionally and physically demanding.

Published On : November 6, 2023

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that can present unique challenges and opportunities for growth.

Published On : October 26, 2023

In the world of autism therapy, parental involvement is key. At the Lizard Centre, we recognise the pivotal role parents play in their child's development.

Published On : September 15, 2023

In this blog, we'll explore some valuable tools and techniques to help parents of children with autism navigate their parenting journey with strength, resilience, and emotional balance.

Published On : September 15, 2023

In this blog, we'll explore some of the most effective PBS strategies to create a supportive environment for your child's learning and growth.

Published On : May 1, 2023

In addition to Behaviour Support, a Behaviour Analyst can help your family in a variety of ways. A BCBA can also help family members understand their child’s needs, communication style and the function of any behaviours of concern.

Published On : March 24, 2023

Today’s blog post will focus on using ABA therapy to teach new skills, which quite often is why families will come to the Lizard Centre in the first place. They want to understand how to help their child learn.

Published On : March 24, 2023

River, one of our clinicians in Brisbane shares their story of how they planned and prepared and worked with their child to go out and be successful in the world, and how this experience informs their practice at Lizard.

Published On : February 1, 2023

We hope that some of these tips and strategies for ABA in school will help your child’s transition into the next chapter of their lives!

Published On : February 1, 2023

Here are a few helpful and handy tips on how to create a safe, motivating, and enriched environment in your home to set your child up for success!

Published On : January 19, 2023

Here are some things to look out for when considering an ABA program for your child.

Published On : December 21, 2022

Whether you’re flying or driving, traveling with kids with ASD for the holidays can be tricky. Here are some tips for helping travel go more smoothly.

Published On : December 21, 2022

Here are some tips for children with ASD over the holidays to help you and your family to reduce the stress and enjoy the holiday season.

Published On : December 13, 2022

Working as a Behaviour Therapist is a rewarding experience where you’ll be changing the lives of children and their families. Anna explains what she enjoys the most about her role.

Published On : December 1, 2022

Two of our Lizard Behaviour Therapists – Isabella from our Sydney centre and Dominque from our Melbourne office – explain what they enjoy most about their roles.

Published On : November 23, 2022

The Lizard Centre has recently become an NDIS registered provider to deliver specialist behaviour support, or positive behaviour support services for children who display behaviours of concern.

Published On : November 22, 2022

The Lizard Centre is absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of its Clinical Excellence Innovation & Research Committee.

Published On : November 1, 2022

At Lizard Centre, our Behaviour Therapists positively influence the future of children with autism and their families.

Published On : October 31, 2022

If you are concerned about your child’s development, you should speak to a professional early.

Published On : September 18, 2022

After 7 years working at the Lizard Centre, Anna, a behaviour support specialist reflects on what she loves the most about her role.

Published On : July 5, 2022

If you suspect your child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), your journey to understanding your child’s health challenges may include an autism spectrum test.

Published On : July 4, 2022

If you suspect your child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), your journey to understanding your child’s health challenges may include an autism spectrum test.

Published On : June 20, 2022

If you suspect your child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), your journey to understanding your child’s health challenges may include an autism spectrum test.

Published On : June 20, 2022

If you suspect your child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), your journey to understanding your child’s health challenges may include an autism spectrum test.

Published On : May 20, 2022

If you suspect your child has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), your journey to understanding your child’s health challenges may include an autism spectrum test.

Published On : May 20, 2022

Parents are usually the first to notice the early signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If you visit your GP and they agree that your suspicions may be valid, they will probably suggest getting an ASD diagnosis.

Published On : May 20, 2022

At the Lizard Centre, we take relationship building seriously.

Published On : May 20, 2022

When a child receives an autism spectrum disorder  (ASD) diagnosis, it can be an emotional time.

Published On : May 20, 2022

We understand the participation in your child’s home-based early intervention program may seem overwhelming.

Published On : May 20, 2022

Over the last few decades, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) has emerged as a safe and effective treatment approach for autism and related disorders.

Published On : May 20, 2022

Here are our Top 10 Tips for accessing the NDIS

Published On : May 20, 2022

One of our Lizard Parents has taken the time to answer some questions and share with us her experience of raising not one but two children with autism.

Published On : May 19, 2022

A Functional Behaviour Assessment is the process of understanding why a behaviour of concern occurs in order to provide effective intervention and replace with more pro-social behaviours that leads to a better quality of life.

Published On : May 19, 2022

A Behaviour Analyst is a professional who helps solve a range of behaviour-related issues for individuals (children and adults) with and without specific diagnoses. 

Published On : May 19, 2022

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds reasonable and necessary supports that help a participant to reach their goals, objectives and aspirations, and to undertake activities to enable the participant’s social and economic participation.

Published On : May 18, 2022

Lizard Parent Julia shares the next stage of her and her son Michael's journey that is Life after Diagnosis.

Published On : May 18, 2022

While it’s amazing to see how your child surprises you with what they learn, it’s also important to keep on top of their childhood developmental milestones.

Published On : May 18, 2022

Suspecting your child has autism can be an emotional time for parents. This is especially true if you haven’t had much experience with autism spectrum disorder.

Published On : May 18, 2022

Today, parents of newly diagnosed children are often given a similar treatment recommendation by paediatricians or other allied health professionals: 2 hours of speech therapy and occupational therapy a fortnight.

Published On : May 18, 2022

Suspecting your child might have autism can be scary for parents. If you haven’t had much experience with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it can be difficult to pick up on some early signs of autism.

Published On : May 18, 2022

Discrete trial teaching (DTT) involves breaking larger skills down into small, or ‘discrete,’ teachable components.

Published On : May 18, 2022

There are currently over 400 advertised interventions for ASD, the majority of which lack scientific support. How can families make an informed decision about which intervention to choose for their loved one with ASD?

Published On : May 18, 2022

Communication is an essential part of life. It allows us to express our ideas and wants to others and understand what others say. While some children have difficulty communicating, there are ways we can help them to use their language skills.

Published On : May 18, 2022

Meet Lizard parent Julia who shares an incredible insight to her journey in the discovery of her son with autism.

Published On : May 18, 2022

The Lizard Centre recognizes that in this time of uncertainty many questions have been asked regarding where, how, and if ABA services can and should be continued in centres and in the home for families currently receiving services.

Published On : May 18, 2022

Lizard Centre now offers a three-month parent training programme developed to decrease challenging behaviours in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This programme has been proven highly useful in helping children with autism, and helping the family and social network around them.

Published On : May 5, 2022

Lizard is committed to helping you advocate for funding for what we believe is medically and educationally necessary intervention for your children.

Published On : May 5, 2022

When I first began writing this statement I was really stuck, I guess you could call it writer’s block. How could I possibly sum up a day in the life of a Behaviour Therapist in one short paragraph? Each day in this role is…

Published On : July 15, 2021

In Australia, reputable experts have endorsed ABA-based interventions and Autism programs.

Published On : February 5, 2021

Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention (EIBI), is an evidence-based, comprehensive intervention for autism spectrum disorders and related challenges based on the principles of ABA. Early Intervention has been shown to be…

Published On : February 5, 2021

Detecting early signs of autism is important to make the most impactful positive change for children with autism to enable them to maximise their potential.

Published On : February 5, 2021

The National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS) is tailored to provide support to Australian people living with disabilities. At Lizard, we are well-equipped to help families understand how NDIS funding can assist with early intervention services.

Published On : October 12, 2020

I started with Lizard a little over a year ago and coming from a very corporate background, this was an exciting organization to become a part of. My knowledge of ABA was limited but it was fantastic to learn about, and it was even more…

positive behavior support plan

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