Positive Behaviour Support: More than Just a Plan

The complexities of raising school-aged children can feel like a journey through uncharted territory at times. Even if the child isn’t your first, every one is unique, and with that uniqueness comes a diverse range of behaviours, some of which may present challenges along the way.
If you’re finding yourself feeling overwhelmed by these challenges, and unsure of how to address your child’s behaviours, you’re not alone. The good news is that there are steps that you can take to address these challenges, and one particularly effective pathway is Positive Behaviour Support (PBS).
So, what exactly is PBS? In essence, it’s a holistic approach that aims to understand the underlying reasons behind a child’s behaviour and then implement strategies to promote positive behaviours while addressing any challenging ones. But here’s the key takeaway: PBS is much more than just a plan. It’s a dynamic and ongoing process that actively involves and supports families every step of the way.
There are several reasons that PBS is particularly effective for families with school-aged children exhibiting challenging behaviours, including:

Understanding the Whole Child: At the heart of PBS is a deep understanding of the whole child. Rather than simply focusing on the behaviour itself, PBS seeks to uncover the root causes behind it. Is the behaviour a response to environmental triggers, unmet needs, or perhaps a form of communication? By taking a holistic approach, PBS empowers parents to see beyond the surface and understand their child’s unique perspective.

Collaborative Approach: One of the most empowering aspects of PBS is its collaborative nature. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution imposed by professionals; instead, it’s a collaborative effort involving parents, educators, therapists, and other stakeholders. This collaborative approach ensures that interventions are tailored to the specific needs of the child and are implemented consistently across different settings, whether at home, school, or in the community.

Family-Centered Support: Here’s where PBS truly shines for parents: it’s family-centered. That means you’re not just handed a behavioural plan and left to figure things out on your own. Instead, you’re an active participant in the process, with professionals providing guidance, support, and resources to help you at home and outside of sessions. Whether it’s attending workshops, receiving coaching support, or accessing online resources, families are empowered with the tools they need to support their child effectively.

Empowering Positive Change: At its core, PBS is about promoting positive change. By focusing on reinforcing positive behaviours and teaching alternative skills, rather than simply punishing undesirable ones, PBS creates a nurturing environment where children can thrive. This focus on skill-building not only improves behaviour but also boosts self-esteem and confidence, laying the foundation for long-term success.

Long-Term Sustainability: Unlike quick-fix solutions that provide temporary relief, PBS is designed for long-term sustainability. By addressing the underlying causes of behaviour and equipping families with effective strategies, PBS fosters lasting change that extends far beyond the confines of a behavioural plan. It’s about empowering families with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate challenges today and in the future.
Overall, by taking a holistic, collaborative, and family-centered approach, PBS empowers parents to understand their child’s behaviour, implement effective strategies, and foster positive change that lasts a lifetime.
At the Lizard Centre we recognise that there’s more to PBS than a plan. Our leading PBS program is designed to understand and address a child’s challenging behaviours. It supports children and adolescents of all ages. Each program we develop is tailored to the individual needs of your child and family.
Here’s how it will work: Our experienced Therapy Supervisor will, after the initial consultation process, design a PBS Plan that will evaluate the whole child, build upon their strengths, and build the support network’s capacity to engage with the child in a meaningful and supportive way. In doing so, they will mitigate challenging behaviours, and teach your child constructive alternative skills.
Your Therapy Supervisor will then work directly with you as parents, as well as teachers, support workers, support coordinators or other allied health professionals, and continue to manage and update the plan as necessary.
Unlike many providers, Lizard doesn’t just build plans; we help implement them too, and that’s why we’re so effective in making sure the plan is tailored to your child’s needs. If required, we can work intensively one-on-one with your child to teach and embed the new skills.
If Lizard’s Positive Behaviour Support services sound like they may be right for you, please click here to get more information and begin the process of building a better future for you and your child.

Published On : April 26, 2024

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